Following the creation of a new EMCR representative position on the ANS council, the ANS EMCR sub-committee was established in 2018. The current committee has representatives from across Australia and New Zealand, from a variety of EMCR career stages and discipline backgrounds. As a committee, our central goals will be to provide career development opportunities and advocacy for EMCRs in neuroscience across Australasia and directly represent EMCRs on the ANS Council. Our first step towards these goals is to establish a mailing list and to survey the ANS EMCR community to determine how this committee can best serve the needs of EMCRs in neuroscience across Australasia. This may be EMCR-focussed events at the annual ANS scientific meeting, a forum to facilitate networking and mentoring, an EMCR-focussed newsletter, or funding opportunities to assist EMCRs attendance at the annual scientific meeting.

If you are an ANS member who identifies as an EMCR (0-10 years post-PhD, indicative), sign up to the EMCR mailing list. You can also contact us directly via email - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We’d like to thank the ANS Council for their financial backing and confidence in the goals that we have set out to achieve.

ANS EMCR Committee 2023