Leading scientists from around the world generously contribute their time and expertise to ACAN on a voluntary basis to provide high quality instruction in the latest neuroscience techniques.
ACAN Director &Course CoordinatorJay Bertran-GonzalezUNSW, Sydney, Australia |
Co-directorLee FletcherMonash University Melbourne, Victoria |
Co-directorElena BagleyThe University of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia |
Co-directorKate PooleUNSW Sydney, School of Biomedical Sciences, Australia
Co-directorJohn PowerUNSW Sydney, School of Biomedical Sciences, Australia |
ACAN ChairGreg StuartMonash University Melbourne, Victoria
ACAN Finance ManagerBeatrice LeungDecision Neuroscience Laboratory, School of Psychology, UNSW, Sydney, Australia |
ACAN Course Management Committee 2025